Do you work with dogs with separation anxiety but are stuck with a particular case or don't really know what the next step is?
Do you want to be able to better service your clients to get them over the line? So they can finally walk out the door without worry, guilt or fear of their dog having a panic attack?
While I work remotely with clients all over the world, I have also put in place some mentoring options specifically for dog professionals who want to upskill their abilities and education when working with dogs with separation anxiety.
The 4 options below will provide you with face-to-face mentoring about your case and how to move forward because, let's face it, it can really help to have another set of eyes on what to do when you get stuck, particularly if separation anxiety isn't your specialty. I'm here to help!
Note: If you are unsure which is the best option for you, please email Ness at [email protected]
4 x 1hr Mentoring sessionsDo you have a particularly tricky case that requires a deep dive into its particulars? Or perhaps you just want to supercharge your knowledge when it comes to separation anxiety training. If so, then this is your best option.I'll even show you how I work with my clients with a 'behind-the-scenes' look at particular cases.
$499 US |
90-minute sessionIf you have a case that isn't going the way you want it to or you are stuck with how to move the dog forward with its home alone time, this is the best option to provide you with the most in depth and tailored information to take to your client. You'll have my eyes on your client's case to help them move forward.
$195 US |
30-minute sessionThis option is for those who simply need a quick check-in to see if they are on the right track with the information and training they are providing their client. Alternatively, it could be a follow-up or review, following the 90-minute consultation option in which we have already drilled down to specifics of your client's case.
$65 US |
My Signature Shadow Program
For dog professionals who want to know more about separation anxiety training and how to help their clients with specialized knowledge. Shadow me for three months as I work with my clients, design programs, undertake review videos, plus carry out individual & group coaching. Includes a 12-week self-paced course. Email [email protected] for more information
$1997 US
$1997 US